martes, 4 de marzo de 2014

Geography: The relief of Spain

Hi everybody!!

We are moving on the next Unit. 

Now it's time to learn about the relief of our country.  

But first we need to review some important concepts.
Let's start!
Some information from a web page: enchanted learning:

Geography is the study of the Earth's surface.

physical map 

A physical map is a map that shows an areas natural physical features, like mountains, lakes, and rivers.


A mountain is a very tall high, natural place on Earth - higher than a hill. The tallest mountain on Earth is Mt. Everest.

A range is a chain of mountains and/or high elevations. 

A plateau is a large, flat area of land that is higher than the surrounding land

Plains are flat lands that have only small changes in elevation.


A cape is a pointed piece of land that sticks out into a sea, ocean, lake, or river.


A gulf is a part of the ocean (or sea) that is partly surrounded by land (it is usually larger than a bay).


A bay is a body of water that is partly enclosed by land (and is usually smaller than a gulf)


A peninsula is a body of land that is surrounded by water on three sides.


An island is a piece of land that is surrounded by water.


An archipelago is a group or chain of islands clustered together in a sea or ocean.


An ocean is a large body of salt water that surrounds a continent. Oceans cover more the two-thirds of the Earth's surface


A sea is a large body of salty water that is often connected to an ocean. A sea may be partly or completely surrounded by land.


A strait is a narrow body of water that connects two larger bodies of water.

Here I leave some links to review the relief of Spain.

Flash map (Where is it?)
Flash Map (What's the name?

And here a link to word search you can download and print out. WORDSEARCH

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